AR in Education
AR first appeared in 1968 from a Harvard computer science student, Ivan Suthland. AR became a bit more popular in the early 1990's and was considered a marvel of technology. It was science fiction coming to life. In today's global society, AR is in almost all areas of business, engineering, military and education. It is common knowledge that technology is created to assist basic human needs and improve quality of life. The basic definition of education is acquiring knowledge, skills and understanding of the world around you. Education and technology share a common thread of continuous development from philosophy to awareness of improvements. Covid-19 has changed how knowledge is transferred from teacher to student. Regardless of in-school learning or online learning students are more attracted to technology and its' role in modern society. So how can AR mobile technology assist the common classroom teacher.
There are several programs and platforms, which allow teachers to share an AR experience with students. Google created a simple AR program for students known as Google Expedition. Seek has created a no app cross platform AR software that is web-based for a web-page creation. 3D Bear is also another popular app for educators, which is an official partner of Google for education.
There is literally hundreds of platforms, apps and software for teachers. It all depends on the level of commitment and time needed to setup AR programs. Price can be an issue for some remote or inner city schools. The most important component to take in account is to test the platforms first before spending large amount of money. There are several platforms that are free and easy to use.

AR/VR. Applications
in Education

Euclideon Holographic is known for its' state of the art 3D software in gaming. The company created one of the first 3D/360/VR/AR hologram tables in early 2016. Euclideon Holographics also created Hologram wall with the same features but with a 180 degree view. The company recently added a new feature to their platform, which is nicknamed the holodeck, a holographic room. The question is, how is the technology useful in education and its' mobile application of the platform? According to a representative of the company, the technology can be used to bring engineering, cities, towns and sacred sites into the classroom. Student's can view a building before it is built onsite. Individuals can interact with any image projected on the table or wall. The table itself can be viewed by 6 people but the wall up to 20 people.
The technology uses special glasses which identifies the laser light images being projected. The mobile AR/VR applications can be used for both the table and wall but also out in the field. The mobile application allows individuals to access Euclideon Holographics server which stores digital topography of mapped areas through drones or satellite imaging. For example, a small team can map the school area using drone, imaging which is projected to the table or wall. The mobile application allows students to connect using any smart device with a browser. The image can be viewed in a VR or AR modes.Although the table or wall are permanent features, the mobility aspect of the technology can be infused with AR field glasses. The technology has an embedded on-the-go 3D mapping and modelling that sends digital data to the table or wall via drone.
The 3D modelling can be viewed on the table or wall while it is be created in real time. The table or wall can be used as a primary source for students, which can be transferred to AR field glasses. The AR field glasses can provide visual data in the field or in class. The AR mobile technology will allow students to experience a field trip with added visual data rather than a lecture style field trips.

According to Euclideon Holographic's, the next step in performance and deliverly is a full XR immersive experience. The current technology is expensive to purchase but is worth every penny.

Hololens by Microsoft
AR did not become a household name until Niantic released Poke'mon Go. From 1968 to 2016, AR did not attract much attention, however, Microsoft has taken AR to a new level. The introducation of the Hololens into mainstream technology changed the idea of AR and added a mobility aspect to its technology. So how does this fit in the world of Education. Education and technology are no different on the levels of continuous development. Teachers can engage with students how a different playing field. Meaning, the traditional method of education has developed into facilitation, observation and interaction through an augmented reality world. The hololens will allow teachers create simple lessons and add virtual tours or video to the mix. Assignments and test can be transferred from the teachers to students via email, air drop, text, or simple sharing through the wave of your hand or voice command. This will also allow teachers to communicate one-on-one with students who may be struggling while the class is fully engaged in their AR world. AR has changed how education can be delivered to students.
Hubs By Mozilla
The future of the classroom is rapidly changing from its' pedagogy to its' delivery. The days of pencil to paper and memorization skills are will soon be methods of the past. It seems that every student has some sort of smart device, which allows them to connect with family and friends. The use of technology in the classroom provides opportunities for students to engage with curriculum and teachers in a completely new way. Augmented reality allows the students to layer their perception and comprehension in virtual worlds or through mobile apps. Hubs is a web -based VR/AR/MR site that allows any creator to build a room in a virtual world. Hubs recently added AR and MR applications to its' site. It is a cross platform, cross- device web-based software, which only needs a browser to access. Additional content has been added to a Hubs page in the following link to the right.
You will be asked to create a profile name and avatar. It is encouraged to explore the Hubs virtual world. The hubs virtual room is one of many tools for teachers to engage with students.

Click on link below
to enter
Hubs by Mozilla
OR Copy and paste url into address
bar below
Please note: Hubs by Mozilla does not enjoy VPN's or firewalls, which is unfortunate. Rooms may have complex 3D models or objects in them which can increase the load time, particularly on less powerful devices (i.e., mobile phones and standalone VR headsets). If you are getting stuck on the loading screen, try refreshing the page or loading the scene on another browser or device. Make sure you smart device is up to date with the latest IOS or Android. Enjoy!